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July 2014 Newsletter
June 24, 2014
Hi There!

July 2014 Preschool Primer Newsletter

Welcome to the thirty-first issue of the Preschool Plan-It Primer, a free newsletter from .

My hope is that you find information in each newsletter that is helpful to you- the Early Childhood Educator- as you work with this wonderful group called Preschoolers! This is the mini-newsletter that focuses on theme suggestions and new additions to the website.

The FULL newsletter is quarterly and goes out in March, June, September and December. To see back issues of the newsletters, go to Newsletter Back Issue Page

Stay current on all new pages added to the website! by "liking" Preschool Plan-It on Facebook at Preschool Plan It

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July 2014, Issue # 31

In This Issue:

The New Look!

A NEW Website, just for Preschool Directors!

A Resource Site: The Preschool Cubby

A Music CD Review

Theme Suggestions for July

What’s New? Search It, Find It, Plan It!

The New Look Is Here!

Happy July! I hope your summer is going well so far!

The website has had a change of clothing! There is a new picture (header/banner) at the top.

The way to access the pages has changed and here is how!

Rather than have that long, long list of page names down the left hand side, you can now access any page you want from the top of every page!

Simply hover over the section, and you will find all the page names that used to be on the left hand side.

It is same website, run by the same person (me!), just a new look.

My hope is that these changes make it easier to read and to navigate!

My NEW Website--Just for Directors!

If you are a Director, Administrator or Owner of a preschool, childcare or family day care program, then this new site is for you!

Preschool Director will have information and articles that relate to the day to day tasks that administrators deal with! Whether you are a preschool director or a daycare or childcare (including family daycare) administrator, this is the page for you! Check out the has 15 pages with many more to come!

A Resource Site: For Teachers and Directors

I have recently opened a store at Teachers Pay Teachers called The Preschool Cubby

This store will have resources added to it that will supplement many of the themes and pages on both Preschool Plan It and Preschool Director!

It is free to register for an ID at Teachers Pay Teachers, so sign up and check out my store and other teachers' stores!

A Music CD Review

I had the opportunity to review a music and movement is fantastic! Not only was it DAP for preschoolers, it is great for 3-8 year olds.......the children in our childcare group at the Gym from the 3 year olds to the 8 year olds love it as well! I highly recommend it.

Click here to read my review and find out why I love it!

Theme Suggestions for July


4th of July Theme

Tornadoes Theme This is still the Season--Time to do monthly Tornado Drills and activities


Bubbles Theme

Mud Theme

Ocean Theme

Pirates Theme

Preschool Olympics Theme Worms Theme

In-Service Workshops

Looking to get some in-service hours in this month? This workshop UNDERLINE/BOLD/ITALIC might END U/B/I qualify in your state/province (check with your Director or Licensing Regulations to be sure):

Science in the Preschool Classroom Online Workshop

Other Available Resources on the Website:

Preschool Plan-It Amazon Store (Recommended Preschool Items)

My Store (Personal Books and Items for sale)

Product Review Page A page to find honest reviews on books and products I have personally read or used in the classroom.

Comments? Ideas for future newsletters? Feedback? This newsletter is written FOR you, so I'd love to hear from you. Just reply to this zine and tell me what you think!

Until Next Time,


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