Kwanzaa Bulletin Board Ideas for Preschool

Creating bulletin boards is a task some teachers love and some, well, not so much!

Are you teaching a Kwanzaa preschool theme this year?

If so, are you thinking about a bulletin board?

If so, here are a few Kwanzaa bulletin board ideas for you!

The Principles of Kwanzaa Bulletin Board

Kwanzaa Bulletin Board Image

There are 7 Principles of Kwanzaa.

Find ways for your preschoolers to apply each one of these principals throughout the week or month.

Take pictures of them applying each principle in action. There are suggestions next to each word below. Place the pictures under the word on your Kwanzaa bulletin board. 

Here are the principles and some ideas for preschool application:

  1. Umoja (oo-MOO-jah)= Unity Add pictures of children at circle time.
  2. Kujichagulia (koo-jee-chah-goo-LEE-ah)= Self-Determination The children learning a new activity or working on putting on their own coats, shoes, etc.
  3. Ujima (oo-JEE-mah)= Responsibility The Children working together to clean up the classroom.
  4. Ujamaa (oo-jah-MAH)= Cooperative Economics If you are collecting items for a local shelter or soup kitchen, take pictures of the donation station and the children sorting the items.
  5. Nia (NEE-ah) Purpose Have the children paint pictures of what they want to be or do when they grow up.
  6. Kuumba (koo-OOM-bah)= Creativity Take pictures of the children in the art center or hang pictures of their creative art work.
  7. Imani (ee-MAH-nee)= Faith Write down what children tell you about their traditions or faith.

Speak Swahili- Another Kwanzaa Bulletin Board Idea

As you explore the Kwanzaa theme, teach your children some words in Swahili.

As your preschoolers learn more about Kwanzaa, hang the words in Swahili and English for each new word and item they learn about and make.

Some words for your Kwanzaa bulletin board are:

Bendera- The African American flag

Gele- African headwrap for women

Kufi- African hat for men

Kinara- Candle Holder

Kikombe cha umoja- Unity Cup

Mazao- The fruits and vegetables of the harvest.

Mkeka- Place mat used on the Kwanzaa table.

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