This Creation Theme for Preschool page is based on God's creation of everything! It is from the book of Genesis 1:1-23; 2:1-3
You can use this page as a week long general theme or as a Review Day!
This page has activities for this as a general theme and includes preschool lesson plans, activities and Interest Learning Center ideas for your Preschool Classroom!
You can either scroll down through this page to see all of the preschool activities for your theme or click the link below to go to a specific day of Creation.
In addition, you will find a section below with links to activities for each specific DAY of Creation!
You'll find more themes to help you with your planning on my bible preschool themes page.
To read my Statement of Faith, click here.
Click the link below to go to specific preschool activity types you are looking for.
Tissue Paper Collage
Materials needed: pieces of tissue paper, wax paper sheets, glue, brushes.
Tape the wax paper to the table.
The children brush glue on the wax paper and then make a collage with the tissue paper.
They are beautiful when hung at a window!
What God Made
Provide stamps and stamp pads. The children stamp a picture of everything God has made!
Magazine Collage
Provide magazines, scissors, glue sticks and a large sheet of paper.
The children go through the magazines and cut out pictures to glue on their large group collage paper.
Discuss what God has made!
7 Days Box
In a small box, place 7 items that represent the Bible account (1 for each day).
Place the box in the block area. The children will know how to use the items!
Encourage them to recall the Bible story!
Circle Time is such a great time for children to learn the social skills of being together as a large group AND to learn more about your theme!
Felt Board Story
Make your own felt pieces for each day and use them while telling the story.
You could make 2 items for each day to be sure all your students have a chance to place an item on the board.
What's Missing
Materials needed: one item from each day of Creation; towel
Items suggested:
Day 1-Light-Flashlight
Day 2-Sky and Water- Wet cotton ball
Day 3- Land, Seas, Vegetation- soil in a baggie, a twig or leaf; small covered container of water
Day 4- Sun, Moon and Stars- A yellow and black bouncy ball and a star shape (they can all be made out of paper or clay!)
Day 5- Fish and Birds- Fish toy (from a sorter/counter set) and a Feather
Day 6- Animals and People- An animal and person puppet (or picture or stuffed animal)
Day 7- Rest- A toy chair or picture of a royal throne
Lay all the items out in front of you. Pass each item around one at a time, discussing what each item is and which day of Creation it represents.
Put them in your box or on the floor in front of you.
Cover them with a towel. Remove one item without the children seeing the item.
Guess what is missing and what day it is from!
EXTENSION: Program 7 small bowls, each with a number in them (1-7).
Place the bowls and items in your Library area for the children to use to retell the Bible account.
God Created....
Bring a bean bag or ball to circle.
Name one thing that God created and then toss the ball or bean bag to a friend.
Have a chart paper at circle to list what they come up with!
Cooking with children helps develop their math skills and helps them to learn how to follow directions. It also allows for some great conversation! Ask many questions while cooking with your children to encourage conversation! Be sure to ask specific themed questions while making these fun snacks!
Build Your Own Salad
Materials needed: a variety of fruits and vegetables
Have the children help you prepare and cut the ingredients and put each in its own bowl.
The children make their own salad by choosing the items they like!
Plain, Ole Housekeeping!
We were made by God! Let's enjoy how we were created as we pretend in our play house area cooking food, serving our friends, etc.
More Than Just Painting (Although that is always THE favorite in our classroom!)
Instead of paint, provide colored dot stickers for the children to make their own masterpiece with!
to Help Build Your Preschoolers' Muscles While They Have Fun Together!
Treasure Hunt
Give the children each a brown, paper lunch bag.
Go for a walk and collect items from nature that God has created!
Book Suggestions for the Library
(I LOVE Amazon, and some of the links below will take you to the Amazon website. If you do choose to purchase yours through Amazon, they do send me a few cents--which supports my coffee habit! )
Match The Day
Materials needed: A shoe box with a cover; pinch style clothes pins, pairs of pictures that represent each day of Creation (2 people, 2 lights, etc.)
Cut out pictures--2 identical ones for each day of creation.
Glue one on the outside of a shoe box.
Glue the other on the end of a pinch type clothespin.
The children match the pictures by clipping the clothes pin on the box ABOVE the matching picture!
When done, place all the pins in the box and cover!
I Spy Match Game
Make up cards with pictures of items from your classroom to represent the days of creation.
For example, have a picture card of a stuffed animal, the teacher, the water faucet, etc.
The children find the item in the classroom that matches a card.
When they find it, they stop and say "Thank you, God, for _______" and fill in the blank with the item or person!
God Created
There is a great song my daughter's Sunday school teacher sang during the Creation Theme.
It is sung to the tune of Frere Jacques
God created! God created!
Night and day, night and day.
That was on the first day.
That was on the first day.
And it was good! It was good!
God created! God created!
Sky and clouds, sky and clouds.
That was on the second day.
That was on the second day.
And it was good! It was good!
God created! God created!
Land and plants. Land and plants.
That was on the third day.
That was on the third day.
And it was good! And it was good!
God created! God created!
Sun, moon and stars! Sun, moon and stars!
That was on the fourth day.
That was on the fourth day.
And it was good! It was good!
God created! God created!
Fish and birds! Fish and birds!
That was on the fifth day.
That was on the fifth day.
And it was good! It was good!
God created! God created!
Animals and people! Animals and people!
That was on the sixth day.
That was on the sixth day.
And it was good! It was good!
Then He rested. Then He rested.
From His work. From His work.
That was on the seventh day.
That was on the seventh day.
And all was good! All was good!
Let's sing thank you!
Let's sing thank you!
To our God! To our God!
Thank you for Creation!
Thank you for Creation!
God is good! God is good!
7 Days Treasure Hunt
In your sand table, bury items from each of the 7 days of creation: cotton balls, shiny jewels, planet colored bouncy balls, etc. for the children to search for.
They will hid and search again and again!
Encourage them to recall which day that item was created on!
Growing Things!
Any kind of planting is great for this theme!
Try giving each child several Lima beans, a paper towel, a Ziploc baggie and a marker.
They print their name on the baggie.
They fold the paper towel in half and then spray with a water bottle until it is completely wet.
They place the bean in the middle and then fold the paper towel over the bean.
Place it in the baggie and seal it shut.
Hang on a sunny window!
Vegetation Needs Water!
Materials needed: stalks of celery with leaves still on it, clear cups, water, food coloring.
Pour water in each jar.
Drop several drops of color in each jar (one color per jar)
Observe over the week!
Make a Game
Materials needed: Stickers (animals, plants, water, people, planets, etc.), colored pencils.
The children make up their own game today!
Have them use stickers for paces on their own game board paper and markers to mark the way.
Making curvy lines, straight lines, etc. is great for building up those muscles, needed for printing!
Have them explain how to play! Discuss how unique each child's game is! God made us!
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