Preschool Plan-It Blog

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Curious George Visits The Zoo

We chose to do an adaptation of Curious George Visits the Zoo for our graduation play this year. Since we had to social distance, it seemed like a practical

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Cubby Info

cubby info

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Senses, Sentences and funny!

When I was introducing our new topic on the 5 senses in my class in New Zealand I said we would be learning about the senses and asked if anyone knew

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One day one of my 3yr olds asked me if I would open his bottle for him. I reached over and said, I will surely, he looked at me and laughed out loud

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Literal translations

One of my student teachers was teaching a song to the preschoolers and one child asked: What are we making for the craft today? The teacher replied,

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Ladies' Man

One of my four-year-old boys can be quite the ladies' man. One day he turned to a girl in the class, put one hand on his hip, leaned back, and with a certain

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Milk is What Now?!

It was Christmas time and the children were learning about baby Jesus being born in a stable with all the animals. While discussing which animals were

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Teacher who?

It was the beginning of the preschool year, and one 3-year-old boy was having a hard time following directions. After a few days, I was talking to him

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Christmas Theme Resource Packet


This Preschool Christmas Theme Resource is a 98 page packet that includes a weekly lesson plan, detailed daily lesson plans and over 25 printable activities ready to print, laminate and use!

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Thanksgiving Theme Resource for Preschool


This Preschool Thanksgiving Theme Resource is a 96 page packet that includes a weekly lesson plan, detailed daily lesson plans and over 20 activities ready to print, laminate and use!

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STOP Telling Your Preschoolers To Share and Take Turns!

Teaching Sharing and turn taking

“Take Turns!” “Share!” These are words and phrases used often in preschool classrooms. What's a teacher to do? How do we go about teaching preschoolers to share and take turns?

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140+ Preschool Themes with over 4,000 Activities!


Preschool themes page with activities for art, science, math, dramatic play, reading, writing and more for over 140 themes!

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Preschool Classroom Jobs

Preschool Classroom Jobs Collage

Preschool Classroom Jobs - What are some suggestions and why do we even have them? | Preschool Plan It

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Fine Motor Activities


Fine Motor Activities Center to Encourage Small Muscle Development and More in Preschool

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Preschool Allergies


Preschool allergies are common. It is important that you know of all allergies and that all of your staff are aware of which students have which allergies.

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